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Contemplative Women of St. Anne

Contact Information:
c/o St. Basil's Church
M5S 1J4
Ms. Ann Marie Tedesco


Known As:

Mission Statement:
The Contemplative Women of St. Anne is a new community providing prayer, study, and support for lay women who are desiring to, or already living as, contemplatives. The community guides individual discernment and prayer through the study of women saints and mystics within the tradition of the Church, as well as experiencing arts common to women's cloistered or monastic life. The charism of the vocation is silence and learning the stages and degrees of attentive love to prepare and open the heart to God alone.

Other - Transformation of the heart in the unfolding of self knowledge and knowledge of God.
Outreach - Sick / Homebound
Prayer and Spirituality - Feminine spirituality & theology through the lives and teachings of the women saints
Prayer and Spirituality - Marian